Tehachapi Music Boosters exists for the
sole purpose of boosting our school’s music program.
Our mission statement is to financially and
physically support the entire instrumental and choral music programs at
Meetings Next Booster Meeting: December 14 at Kelcys, 7 p.m. |
Booster Meetings
are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month in Kelcy’s Restaurant at 6:30
p.m. unless there is a conflict with a performance. All student
officers, directors, and music program supporters are encouraged to
attend. Everyone is welcome. Minutes for August 2006 |
Officers |
Betty Demus Secretary Susi Martin Treasurer Jeff Myers Auditor Jack Chandler |
Our Wish List for 2006 |
wish list for 2006 We’re also excited because this year we have many more students and some new opportunities to make our music department shine. Here’s a look at our wish list. • Awards • Baritone ($900) • Stage panels • College scholarships |
Accomplishments |
has the Boosters
contributed in the last few years? Here is a summary of some of the contributions that we made last year: • Instrument repairs • Piano Tuning ($75) • Awards • Substitute Teacher costs ($1500) • Fees to have drivers certified • Choir Piano Accompanist ($1500) • Partial funding of Sousaphone ($2000) • Paid for and coordinated awards • Started a fund for a new sousaphone (tuba fund) • Paid for choir accompanist • Coordinated CD production and sales • Facilitated fundraising opportunities like recycling • Paid for Concert sound equipment and assisted at concerts • Paid a portion of costs for band sweatshirts for freshman • Contributed to Community Performing Arts Center fund • Assisted with transportation costs/needs • Paid for substitute teachers when instructors are on trips • Paid for College scholarships |
How can you contribute to the success of the music program? |
you have a music
student, you’re officially part of the music booster effort. And
as a booster, you can do two things to help: 1. Contribute financially with a membership donation ($10 or more) 2. Contribute physically – Get involved in at least one voluntter opportunity, fundraiser or support function, that’s listed below There’s a variety of opportunities that will fit any schedule. With all of us working together, we can more effectively help our music program and get the support and recognition that the music program needs and deserves. |
Fundraising activities This year the music department needs have increased. Just ask Craig and Terri, and they’ll tell you, it takes resources to make it happen. There are five ways we raise money listed below:
What is it? Like any valuable program, it takes some resources to make it happen effectively. Every year we ask parents of our music students to donate $10 to support the program. We don’t charge for concerts like many schools, so $10 is a good deal. We’re hoping for 100% participation from our music students this year. How you can help? Send in your $10.00 Membership donation. A Krispy Kreme party will be given to the class in each school with the highest percentage participation. Let’s reach 100% participation in all the classes and we’ll have Krispy Kremes for all.
What is it? If you shop at Albertsons or know someone that does, this is an outstanding way to earn money because it’s so easy. And it makes us a lot of money. Last year we earned more than $1400 through the Albertsons card program How can you help? Print the coupon click for partners coupon page and take it to Albertsons to have your Albertsons card “linked” to the Tehachapi Music Booster Fundraiser. Give additional coupons to friends and family and have them do the same. That’s all there is to it. Albertsons will give a percentage to the Music Boosters for every dollar you spend when you use your card (or enter your phone number) at the check out stand.
What is it? We have four recycling centers throughout the Tehachapi area where we’re receiving aluminum cans and plastic containers: Currently we have recycling bins at The Tire Store, Bear Valley Market, and others. It’s a fairly easy way to earn some consistent money – an average of $100 a month, but we need a little help to keep this effort going. There’s also potential to establish more recycling centers to make this effort grow. We mainly need people to pick up the recycling from our centers and take them to Benz – once a week. How you can help? If you have limited time, but are looking for a way to help, this is a great opportunity. If you can commit to recycling pick up from one of our centers, even for just one month – this would be a great help. Just indicate on the form “one month”.
What is it? For a donation of $50 or more, we will feature a business card size ad in all the music programs for 2005-2006. This is a new effort this year and we’re hoping for some support from our community. How you can help? Would you like your business to become a Music Booster sponsor? Do you know a business that would be interested? Please check the box in on the form in the back and we’ll get your a sign up sheet.
What is it? The CD project was new last year and it was a great success – especially the Winter CD which earned over $1500 in proceeds. Not only is the CD project an excellent opportunity for the students to earn money for their trips, it’s great way to get a professional recording experience. The added benefit: Your family and friends to keep hearing those beautiful sounds for prosperity. How you can help? It takes a bit of coordination and manpower to make the CD come alive but it’s a fun experience. There are several jobs available – and it’s only for a short period of time once or twice a year. If you want the CD project to continue, please lend your assistance in one of the following ways.
Burn CDs: Requires a computer with a CD burner and some time on your hands Design Cover: Requires a bit of creativity and a computer design program Assembling CDs: Requires a few hours of easy manpower Sales coordination: Requires creating order form and flyer, keeping track of sales, and distribution
It’s not just about raising money; it’s about physically volunteering your time and effort.
What is it? School certified drivers are occasionally needed to drive to special concert opportunities and events. Often, special opportunities to perform come up during the year both planned and unexpectedly and transportation through buses is difficult to schedule and costly. We could like to have enough certified drivers to call on so our music students can participate in special opportunities. How can you help? Volunteer to be a certified driver! The Music Boosters will pay for your costs to become certified. We need drivers for all the high school groups Sign up on the form in the back of this booklet if you can help in this way.
What is it? Do you have a nose for news? Are you a proud parent? Do you like spreading the news and letting every one about their accomplishments? Do you want the music program to get more recognition? If you do, we need your help! How you can help? • Writer: Helping with publicity takes only a hour or two each month. If you like to write and occasionally snap a photo, this is the job for you. You can even do this from the comfort of your home and it only takes an hour or two each month. You would be responsible for publicizing all activities related to the Tehachapi High School and Jacobsen Middle School instrumental and choral music program. You could also assist with the publication of the newsletter. • Webmaster: If you’re a little more technically savvy with the web, we also have a position for maintaining and updating the High School and Middle School Music booster website.
What is it? This year we’d like to lend some greater assistance to our music directors so the concerts go smoothly and easily. Terri and Craig have some new ideas for how make our concerts the best they can be. If we get some volunteers for this effort – it won’t take much time, but it will have a huge impact. How you can help? There’s several opportunities. Pick the one that you can help. • Assistant with sound equipment • Ushers • Create Portable stage panels (sewing expertise) • Stage helpers at performances
What is it? Getting the programs ready for concerts is a great way we can lend support to the program so the instructors can concentrate on their music. One or two people for each school can help design and type up programs as well as assist with copying of programs. How you can help? If you can volunteer for a few hours and you like to work with a computer to type up concert programs, please sign up on the form that’s in the back of this booklet.
What is it? The Boosters likes to recognize our music students for their hard work. To help with awards, you need to contact the music directors every month and coordinate student of the month award certificates. In April you’ll work with the directors to order letters, pins, and certificates for the end of the year awards. How you can help? If you can volunteer for a couple hours each month and several more hours in April, this is a valuable way to contribute to the program. We need at least one person per school. Please sign up.
What is it? The boosters have a tradition of contributing to freshman band sweatshirts and sponsoring attire needs for those that can’t afford to purchase their t-shirts. The music program needs someone to be available to assist with some t-shirt and sweatshirt needs. How you can help? If you’d like to help our music students look great, and can volunteer for several hours in the fall season, this is the opportunity for year. You would need to work the music instructors regarding their needs. Please sign up on the form in the back.
What is it? We’re starting a committee to keep memories of our students efforts. We’re even considering having a formal band and choir photo this year for parents to purchase. This committee could also assemble and preserve a record of the activities and achievements of all the Techachapi High School and Jacobsen Middle School Bands and Choirs. How you can help? If you like to take photos and like to keep memories, this is a great way you can help. This opportunity will take several hours during the fall season of the year to coordinate this effort.
Officer Positions